Maria Ressa, Najiba Ayubi, Chan Thiri Soe of DVB…

0430 may 3 poster image for featured news

IAWRT in partnership with the Journalism and Media International Center of Oslo Met University, and in collaboration with UNESCO-Jakarta will hold an online protest action on May 3. This is in response to the many human rights violations worldwide that put the lives of journalists at risk.

We will hear about situations, challenges and resolutions from journalists from Asia and from UNESCO Jakarta:

  • Maria Ressa, Rappler CEO and UN Guillermo Cano Press Freedom Prize Awardee 2021
  • Najiba Ayubi, Killid Group Founder and IWMF Courage in Journalism Awardee 2013
  • Chan Thiri Soe, Democratic Voice of Burma 
  • Lady Ann Salem, former political detainee, Manila Today editor and IAWRT Communication Officer
  • Ming-Kuok LimUNESCO Jakarta Advisor for Communication and Information

Janess Ann Ellao of will serve as moderator.

IAWRT President Violet Gonda will give the opening remarks.

IAWRT members from India, Nepal and Pakistan will also share messages of solidarity.

IAWRT Philippines will lead the online protest.