Call for proposals to host IAWRT Regional Conference (Deadline: December 13th, 2013)


Dear IAWRT Member,

Would you like to host the next Regional Conference?

The time has again arrived for us to begin planning for our 2014 Regional Conference next May. We wish to invite members to submit a letter of interest to host the Regional Conference, including proposed theme (s), estimated budget and objectives. The deadline for submitting your proposals is 13th December 2013.

(You may wish to review the CSW Notice for the Post 2015 MDGs dialogue to help you focus your theme(s) in a country/region specific way.)

CSW Theme: The priority theme will be: “Challenges and Achievements in the Implementation of the Millennium Development Goals for Women and Girls.” The review theme will be: “Access and Participation of Women and Girls to Education, Training, Science and Technology, including for the promotion of women’s equal access to full employment and decent work.

Please send your ideas to [email protected]

For more details on the forum, please click here.